Friday 29 July 2016

My Every First: Transport Accidents

Assalammualaikum and Hi People,

Todayyy, I would like to talk about my first experience of transport accident. Thankfully it was not a bloody shed missing limb kind of accident. I was and am still in one piece and saved and sound even though my hands and legs trembled and went numb. I have three stories here but I will let you decide which one is going to be my first encounter.

Story 1

When I was a kid, I kept changing school. I did not know why but I believed my parents knew what they were doing. At the age of 7, I went to a private school somewhere near my house. Both of my parents went to work and I was left with my nanny. Every morning, the academy's van would fetch me and I was the first one so I would have to seat in front at the passenger seat. One thing I could remember being in the van was the speed. The driver was a lunatic. She had drove recklessly and gave us heart attack at the young age of 7. One unlucky morning, while travelling on our routine route heading to the school, she had drove at 70KM/hour(guessed) and was going to make a turn. Without any further hesitation, she made a turn and ramped into a motorcyclist. It was a young man and he was flown a few metres in the air due to the hard impact right in front of my eyes.  I was so shock and my head bang-ed the dashboard. Even though it happened in a quick seconds but I remembered everything. I heard my friends cried and terrible screams from the lady driver. I did not cry nor scream. I was just lost my tongue and confused due to the hard impact. Luckily, the man got onto his feet and walked slowly and hinged to his motorcycle. One of his hand was bent and wounded. Blood stained his shirt and pant. I knew he was terribly injured but the irresponsible lady driver did not step out to help him. He got his strength to ride back on his motorcycle and went away after giving an angry look to the person next to me. I guesses he went to the clinic. I made a report to my teacher and they called my parents and they took me home. The academy fired that lunatic driver and I changed to another school after my final exam.

Story 2

When I was 8, I went to my new school by bus. It was around 6.30 in the morning and it was still dark outside. I seated sleepily in my seat and then I heard loud thud, metal crushed and emergency breaks. I knocked my head to the seat in front of me due to the sudden stop. The bus had just ran over an innocent student who rode her bicycle. There were cusses, cries and screaming out there but we were told to remain seated and silent. The sudden stop had caused me wide awoken and curiosity filled the air inside the bus. Luckily, I was on the wrong side of window so I did not witnessed the accident, the students on the other side of window kept me updated and retold the whole story from the beginning. Thankfully, even there were some blood spilled but the student was saved. It was a close shaved. 

Story 3

It has been a long time since I did not involve in any bloody accident but in 2015, during my first week of internship at the age of 22, I knocked someone's car. My parents were travelled to Turkey and I was left under my brother supervision. I drove my mom's CRV and I knocked a Peugeot, a back hit. Damnnn, daddy is going to kill me. It was happened when I drove to a small hill and was not aware that the Peugeot had stopped but the brake lights was off. I remembered step on the brake pedal until it touched the floor but my car was not stopped and boom, I hit the Peugeot. Even though I wore seat belt, my chest knocked the steering wheel and I swear it was hurt like you jump in the air but wrongly landed on your front. I cannot breath and my hands were shuddered and my mind clouded. I did not know how to react and what to do. I phoned my brother but he did not answer and I called my aunty who lived near by and I called my supervisor. He rushed to the scene after my cousin, but he left me without any further action. My cousin talked to the Peugeot driver and we went to make a police report. The statement written was unfair and I was blamed for the hit just because I was at the back and the fact of the Peugeot's brake light was not working was erased. F*** S***... I was fined for $300 and the insurance covered all but cost thousands of course and yes, the news travelled  thousand miles to reach my parents and they were shocked but relieved.


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