How are you doing readers? Hope you doing well..
Yesterday I met my cousin and it has been awhile we haven't met. She's growing fast you know and pretty of course. That's makes me jealous. With a fair complexion, perfect skins, pointed nose and warmth smile make every eyes attracted to her...hahahahaha
Wah, she's perfect kan? While me, I have been born with hitam-manis complexion, not so pointed but big nose* I sedut banyak Oxygen OK, Kau Hade? and not so perfect skins. Yah I admit, no boys ever attracted to me unless he is totally insane-love with me. Frankly speaking, I had had weight and skin problem a long long time ago. I was so fat*Obese and my skin was terrible + gross. I felt so down and had low self-esteem. But I realized that i've to do something in order to change myself. What a stupid idea I did, go jogging in Ramadhan and only take 2 spoons of rice with lil lauk plus plain water. Wow, in a months, I'm shrinking and lose 10kg. It's C.R.A.Z.Y. FYI when my body started get fit, same goes to my skin. It well nourished and my acne gone baby gone. But because of I use to have terrible prone skin, I was left with big pores and marks. What a nice memory i've got!
In a way to get rid of it, I'm started to make my own natural remedies DIY from household items..hehehehe*mama marah barang dapur dia habis. One of my DIY fav mask is :
sweet treats of peppermints |
homemade peppermint solution
You will need:
6 tablespoons of fresh peppermint leaves
4 tablespoons of milk powder
½ liter of water
Boil the peppermint leaves in the water. Remove from heat and cover. Let brew for about 20 minutes and strain. Let cool and carefully add milk powder. Mix well and pour into a dark bottle. Use cotton ball to rub solution on face. Peppermint retracts the pores.
Keep refrigerated
FYI peppermint contains lots of good ingredients and have numerous benefits. Peppermint oil comprises vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals including potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, and copper. The numerous health benefits of peppermint oil include its ability to treat several health problems. After this, you'll have skin and complexion that you dreamed off
radiant skin |
smaller pores and young skin |
"If you allergic to it please keep away from this DIY homemade remedies"