Thursday, 20 December 2012

Lonely Heart Always Fight

Assalammualaikum and hye peeps,

Do u have friends?
Do u have a close friend?
Do u have boyfriend?
Does your close friend have boyfriend?
Well mine, Yes she has
No, no I'm don't.

I love my friend so much
we are sisters
and sisters never hurt each other
when she talking in the phone 
with HIM
become Jealous, annoyed, irritated
Because I'm a loner

Even I'm jealous
I never put it on my face
Sister never hurt
I'm happy she has someone
love her
appreciate her
remember her
me, I'm just a fighter
with my two contradict thoughts

Fighter-sister never hurt

Thursday, 6 December 2012

How to lighten up your knees, underarms and body effectively?

Assalammualaikum n what'dup uolls..

Lately I'm facing one big problem n it is quite embarrassing to share in public. But i'm pretty sure u already foresee what i'm talking about based on the post title above. It's i s undeniable that when u shaving a lot and it's darkening ur underarms right. Some says that it is the effect from wearing a deodorant n some says that it resulted from spraying ur perfume n some says whatever..It's a matter of fact and i believe there's somebody facing the same prob as me out there. Before this, i've been trying so many thing and experimenting my underarms with many stupid stuffs n remedies..LOL. If u ever heard that lemon, honey or even turmeric can get rid the darkening underarms, trust me they didn't work effectively. I don't know what to do.. :'( 

I'm not being born with silver spoon in mouth so i need something less cost of money but has good quality as promised. For instance, a whitening product that assure u it can whiten any darkening parts on ur body as fast as in 7 days.

FANTASIA™ whitening body mask (vitamin c) n FANTASIA™ double whitening body mask.

whitens your desired area in just 7 days!


clinical proven! cream base.. no peeling n no pain 

Apply to your desired area and leave about 15 minutes
then rinse off with water

ingredients: aqua,palm oil, glycerol, white oil,vaseline,tacl powder,boron nitride,kathon,pheoxyethanol and methylisothiazolinone,collagen,pearl powder, avocade oil, oliver oil,milk extract, vitamin C.

comes with friendly packaging
Small pack:  ( 40 gram)

Normal Pack :  (100 gram)
Quad pack (200 gram)
Large Pack: (500 gram) 

 this are testimony from satisfied custome

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Review on NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil* In Malaysia OK!

Hi and Assalammualaikum,
How r u doing readers? Hope u doing just fine and happy always. Have u heard about NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil before? Of course u did, it has been popular ages ago in western countries but not in asian especially Malaysia. So when I first saw the advertisement in a Facebook, i was like.... Ahhmaayygaadd :) LOL.. Yah, it very interesting and came at the right time! Without doing some research and wait for any longer, i bought a few eye pencils in iced mocha, cashmere, electric blue and rust.

speechless.. WOW*i want all

thought i could try these makeup style -->
using the Electric Blue

using the Iced Mocha


                                                          How to use it? 

It's very simple and handy. U just have to glide the pencil all through ur creast and using ur finger to blend it out. Why using the finger? Life made easy baby.The consistency is already creamy-base, so u have to use ur finger instead of using brush to 'melt' it up. U can add some eyeshadows to make it more vibrant.

                                             My Review about this product
2/5 stars **
1- 'It no twist'. This pencil cannot be twisted like other pencil liners. U can twist u lipstick but not for this product.
2- It can't be sharped. Ok, technically yes BUT the sharpener comes separately and quite expensive. No ordinary eyeliner sharpener can fit the jumbo size of this pencil. Plus, it covered with plastic tube.
3- Depot. In order to get the all the 'filling' inside the case, u have to depot it in a new container like ur gel liner case or smthg. # click here
4- It's smudging. Malaysia has sunny day throughout the year. Plus with greasy face and sunny day, it can smudge easily and greasy*eeewwwww
5- smelly. The colour is nice but it has chemical smell.

I'm unhappy customer :(  :(  :(  :(
' let's be real and beautiful '

Sunday, 14 October 2012

What Do U Think U Should Get?

Hi and Assalammualaikum,
#kalau x jawab dosa kalau jawab dpt pahala

Urghhh.... Im just $%^&* pissed off
Ok, back to the topic. People nowadays expect they should get more bcoz time is moving and everybody is changing, Am I right? But the problem is if u really expect to move ur relation from 'comfort-friend-zone' to smthg special, please don't put ur expectation too high! If not, u will end up FOREVER ALONE like me :(

My story~
Boy: Hi, can we chat thru skype? I'll make a video call for u..
Girl: Ok.. wait.. I'll sign in

Boy: Where's the video? I would like to see ur FACE in reality!!*desperate
Girl: Ok.. Fine.. I"ll pick up ur vid call

next we talked n talked n talked till 11 mins later n tuuuuuuuuutt*he's off
Boy: Sorry, poor connecting line*liar
Girl: oh..i see.. it's ok then.. next time maybe

I saw him posted smthg on his FB wall "Cool man,"* r u regret now?

Conclusion, after we did seeing one another and talked to each other, he backed off bcoz he expect me to be as superb as Kim Kardashian* gila apa! He can't accept the real and brand-new me!! What's ur problem man??
This is the man-problem that i'm facing each and every times I meet a new person! They simply can't accept me.. why? why? why?
Am I too hideous? too pathetic? too ugly? It's already late night, must i put on some make up to conceal my flaws? Stupid man.. nonsense...

Im phobia to man.. What should I do? Dear Allah, please send me, a nice, thankful, handy, handsome, rich, pious, and kind-hearted person in my Life..# normal guy refused to accept me.. they really unthankful and materialistic

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Natural Detox Therapy

Asslammualaikum and Hi peeps,

I've been very busy with my faculty lately. Lots of activities they've planned for my friends and I plus I have to wake up early in the morning and climb the flight of stairs to reach the faculty. Fuhhhh...*drenched u olls

Lately, I'm to eager to have a try on DIY natural detox therapy. The most interesting is u can use SALT. But no your table salt!!! It's the Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt. Did u know that Himalayan crystal rock salt contains 84 of the 92 trace minerals known to man, and no other natural or man-made salt has this many minerals.  In addition, the salt contains the minerals in the same proportions as the human body does.  As well as the vital minerals such as calcium and magnesium, Himalayan crystal rock salt has the other necessary minerals.  Many minerals need other trace minerals in order to work so it is vital to have the correct variety of minerals as well as the correct proportions for the minerals to work in the body, and  Himalayan crystal rock salt contains these.
Himalayan crystal rock salt comes from a large salt lake that dried naturally and was protected from pollution, contamination and the influence of man by being underneath the earth’s surface, thanks to geological shifts over time.  The salt is hand mined from underground caves.

salt that im using

one of product from Aussie

as decoration item

Why we need salt in our life?

It is because Salt is as essential to the human body as water is and the body needs almost half a kilogram of salt at any point in time to maintain proper functioning.  Salt is necessary for the normal functioning of the metabolism, the absorption of water, the electrical communication between the cells, and also for mineral nutrition.
On average, a person will consume around twenty grams of salt a day, but the kidneys are only able to expel up to five to seven grams of this salt.  The excess salt builds up as deposits in the arteries, causing them to harden and increasing blood pressure.

These are the benefits of the Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt:

  • re-mineralising the body with 84 minerals and trace elements that are essential to good health
  • it assists in the cellular absorption of minerals
  • it replenishes the body’s electrolytes and balances the body’s pH
  • it brings about significant improvements in the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems
  • it improves the connective tissue in the organs
product from Bali, Indonesia
Because I'm the busiest University's student*lol, I really need something to loosen up my tensed muscle and release my stress. Soaking my foot for 30 minutes in warm water with this salt is the most practical way that I can manage in my hostel life

#if u interested to buy this salt, just drop ur inquiry and order inside the comment box downs there

Thursday, 20 September 2012

The Hidden Energy

by Mel Kadel

Adakah anda bersetuju jika saya katakan terdapat banyak perkara ajaib tersembunyi di dalam minda?
 1) Tenaga ajaib tersembunyi dalam minda

Percaya atau tidak apabila anda sentiasa memikirkan tentang kenyang, anda tidak akan lapar. Buktinya apabila anda menjalani ibadah puasa, anda tidak berfikir pun tentang makan sepanjang hari, tetapi anda tetap mampu melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti kehidupan sebagaimana biasa. Padahal pada hari-hari biasa, awal pagi lagi anda sudah terasa hendak makan.

Demikianlah apabila anda tidak langsung memikirkan tentang penat, anda akan cergas dan bertenaga sepanjang hari.

Sebaliknya apabila anda mula berkata ”Aku malaslah hari ini”, “Aku boringla hari ni”, anda akan benar-benar malas dan boring. Maka jika anda ingin cemerlang dan berjaya, bijak-bijaklah berhubung dengan imaginasi. Imaginasi boleh menjadikan anda apa sahaja. Daripada sini kita boleh simpulkan, ”Kita sendirilah yang meminta setiap apa yang berlaku pada diri kita.”

2) Berkomunikasi dengan minda ke minda

Apabila anda mengingat seseorang, dan jika ingatan anda itu jujur, ikhlas dan bertanggungjawab, dan tiada sebarang gangguan, anda sebenarnya telah pun menghantar gelombang minda kepada orang itu. Anda mungkin mendapat tindak balas yang menakjubkan.

Jika ingatan anda terhadapnya adalah yang baik-baik, dalam masa yang sama insyaALLAH dia akan mengingat yang baik-baik juga tentang anda. Maka kerana itulah sesekali pada saat-saat tertentu anda terkenangkan seseorang yang telah lama anda tidak temui secara tiba-tiba. Barangkali pada saat itu orang berkenaan sedang memikirkan tentang anda dan gelombang mindanya telah mengembara dan akhirnya sampai kepada anda.

Gelombang yang lemah akan tersasar atau tidak sampai ke matlamat ataupun ghaib begitu sahaja ditelan gelombang-gelombang yang lebih kuat yang sentiasa bersimpang siur. Gelombang minda akan lebih hebat kesannya terhadap mereka yang mempunya jalinan emosi ataupun pertalian darah yang rapat misalnya suami isteri, ibu dan anak, adik beradik kembar dan rakan seiras.

3) Daya magnet dalam fikiran beremosi

Tahukah anda apabila anda membenci seseorang, anda sebenarnya telah pun menarik kebencian orang itu terhadap anda. Fikiran yang beremosi ada daya tarikan bagaikan magnet yang akan menarik sebarang pemikiran yang sealiran.

Sebagaimana gelombang minda tadi, kebencian akan terhasil dalam bentuk gelombang-gelombang negatif yang mengembara dan akhirnya sampai kepada orang yang anda benci itu. Oleh itu, seseorang yang menjadikan imaginasinya sebagai salah satu laluan untuk kejayaan tidak boleh berfikiran negatif. Dia kena berfikiran positif supaya pemikiran yang sama akan dipulangkan kepadanya.

4) Mengawal minda untuk lebih berjaya

Tiada siapapun yang boleh membuatkan anda marah jka anda sendiri tidak ingin marah. Soal emosi yang tersentuh adalah perasaan yang boleh dikawal jika anda mahu mengawalnya. Jika anda memang tidak mahu marah anda tidak akan marah.

Orang boleh menjadi terlalu sedih kerana dia memberi laluan kepada dirinya untuk berasa sedih. Kesedihan yang melampau-lampau pula bermula daripada emosi yang ditarik-tarik, diiya-iyakan, diransang-ransang dan disungguh-sungguhkan, ibarat api yang dicurahkan petrol ke atasnya. Api akan menyambar hebat padahal jika dibiarkan sahaja, lambat laun ia akan padam sendiri. Kejayaan pertama orang yang berjaya ialah dapat mengawal emosinya.

5) Dua pemikiran dalam masa yang sama

Anda mungkin pernah melihat seseorang yang beremosi pada satu masa tetapi pada masa yang sama bercakap seolah-olah tidak menghadapi sebarang masalah dan ingat, orang ini bukanlah seorang pelakon. Seorang ayah memarahi anaknya dengan kemarahan yang beriya-iya tetapi dalam masa yang sama dia menghadiahkan anda senyuman dan mula bercakap lembut dengan anda. Itu tanda permulaan bagi seorang yang dapat mengawal emosinya. Seorang yang ingin menggapai kejayaan melalui imaginasi perlu lebih pandai mengawal emosi.

6) Minda teransang melalui solat dan doa

Solat itu doa dan doa itu perlu dalam proses kehidupan seseorang manusia. Manusia perlu berdoa untuk menjalinkan hubungan yag erat antara dirinya dengan alam ghaib dan yang terpenting dengan PENCIPTA-nya. Realitinya orang yang sentiasa berdoa dan sentiasa menunaikan solat tepat pada waktunya atau lebih baik pada awal waktu akan dapat membentuk dan meningkatkan kekuatan minda melalui fikiran yang lebih terfokus.

Seorang yang berjaya adalah seorang yang tenang dan ketenangan mutlak ataupun kemuncak bagi ketenangan adalah solat. Hakikat ketenangan tidak ada dalam diri seseorang yang ingkar solat atau tidak pernah berdoa.
#credit to the writer

Friday, 29 June 2012

Red Lip is Rock!

Red Lips might seem risky to some, but as an Art-ist, I tell you, anyone can wear red lips. Time and time again, I hear people saying, “my lips are too big for red lips” or “my lips are too small for red lips” or “I look like a clown with red lips” or “Wow, I can’t believe you are wearing that color, it would never look right on me”… really???

Red Lips is Rock! You just have to find the right tone for you. Don’t be shy; don’t be afraid to try before you buy. At first I don’t believe either that my warm undertone complexion can wear a RED LIPSTICK. In this world we can categorize complexion into 2 tones which is cool undertone and warm undertone. Cool undertone people are usually having pale skin and they have very fair complexion. They are suit to wear silver and metallic jewelleries. In additional, they can wear almost every red colour lipsticks but the one that have blue pigments is the best for for them. For those who having warm undertone like me*hitam-manis, we are very lucky baby cause we are rocking hot like JLo and Shakira. We were gifted with yellow/gold pigment in our complexion and it is hot yet special. That is why we are suit to wear gold jewelleries instead of silver. In order for u to wear red lipstick, please choose any red colour lipstick with yellow/orange base cause this will accentuate our warm tones. So this post is specially posted for you ‘the Warmy-tone’.

spot the different tone* right-cool/left-warm

Long Last Soft Matte Lipstick in Red Hot

Ladybug by MAC

that Burnt Red from Bobbi Brown suit us the best

it Awesome and Elegent

These are another products that you can try:

Bobbi Brown: Burnt Red, Clove, and Scarlet 

Laura Mercier: Some of the great red shades for warm tones in the Lip Colour Crème collection include Passion, Mistress, and Italian Summer. 

MAC: Try Capricious, Chili and Lady Bug.

Clinique: Long Last Lipstick in Red Red Red, High Impact Lip Colour SPF 15 in Cider Berry,
Different Lipstick in Spiced Apple, Long Last Lipstick in Vintage Wine


For a simple, clean, polished, and sweet makeup with these lipstick, u can try
'Pin-up girl makeup look'

And in REAL you'll look like this

Dita Von Tesse

and this

'sO, what u waiting for? Confident enough? Let's beat the red Lip!
be real and beautiful'

Saturday, 16 June 2012

How to grab EOS Lipbalm in Malaysia

Hye and Assalammualaikum,

To all makeup geeks, have u heard about EOS Lipbalm?? I'm sure u did.. But how to grab this lipbalm?? Where to find and buy this? Ya, the truth is it is hard to get this fantastic lipbalm coz ianya masih lagi tidak tembus di pasaran Malaysia. So u have to buy this abroad but no worries that not what i meant here.. Im not going to let u down.

The EOS lip balms are popular for a couple of reasons. The fun circular shape, the yummy smells and flavors, and the great moisterization of these Lip Balms. Personally, all the other lip balms that I try either smell good and burn my lips, or they are an AWFUL smell but work awesomly. The EOS lipbalms smell great and leave your lips nice and smooth.

There is a ton of different flavors you can buy.

Ed Westwick

Adam Lambert


Nina Dobrev-Vampire Diaries

Kellen Lutz

Like seriously I've been waiting this quite sometimes.. And I had to buy this in US instead..
But there's no need to buy abroad anymore coz thanks to cik Aliaa  from coz made up this business..
It's 100% genuine and direct from USA.
 Please support her business and buy this lovely, fantastic and cool EOS lipbalm.
p/s: sila rujuk beliau untuk maklumat lanjut.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Let's Beat The BIG Pores

Hye and Assalammualaikum,

How are you doing readers? Hope you doing well..
     Yesterday I met my cousin and it has been awhile we haven't met. She's growing fast you know and pretty of course. That's makes me jealous. With a fair complexion, perfect skins, pointed nose and warmth smile make every eyes attracted to her...hahahahaha
      Wah, she's perfect kan? While me, I have been born with hitam-manis complexion, not so pointed but big nose* I sedut banyak Oxygen OK, Kau Hade? and not so perfect skins. Yah I admit, no boys ever attracted to me unless he is totally insane-love with me. Frankly speaking, I had had weight and skin problem a long long time ago. I was so fat*Obese and my skin was terrible + gross. I felt so down and had low self-esteem. But I realized that i've to do something in order to change myself. What a stupid idea I did, go jogging in Ramadhan and only take 2 spoons of rice with lil lauk plus plain water. Wow, in a months, I'm shrinking and lose 10kg. It's C.R.A.Z.Y. FYI when my body started get fit, same goes to my skin. It well nourished and my acne gone baby gone. But because of I use to have terrible prone skin, I was left with big pores and marks. What a nice memory i've got!

     In a way to get rid of it, I'm started to make my own natural remedies DIY from household items..hehehehe*mama marah barang dapur dia habis. One of my DIY fav mask is :
sweet treats of peppermints

homemade peppermint solution

You will need:
6 tablespoons of fresh peppermint leaves 
4 tablespoons of milk powder

½ liter of water
Boil the peppermint leaves in the water. Remove from heat and cover. Let brew for about 20 minutes and strain. Let cool and carefully add milk powder. Mix well and pour into a dark bottle. Use cotton ball to rub solution on face. Peppermint retracts the pores.
Keep refrigerated

      FYI peppermint contains lots of good ingredients and have numerous benefits. Peppermint oil comprises vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals including potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, and copper. The numerous health benefits of peppermint oil include its ability to treat several health problems. After this, you'll have skin and complexion that you dreamed off

radiant skin

smaller pores and young skin

"If you allergic to it please keep away from this DIY homemade remedies"